Friday, April 11, 2014

My argument about video games and how they help people not vice versa

Video Games.  Are they a problem with America’s modern generation?   My answer is (No!)  Though, many people disagree, my answer is a firm negative for many reasons.  Modern media blame video games for school shootings (and stabbings), suicides, disabling fatal mental conditions, and forms of antisocial behaviors. I know for a fact they are wrong. My personal experiences refute these negative connections between videogames and disaster.
My interaction with these games have helped me survive many problems as I faced various lifetime experiences. Rather than causing me to be a social recluse, they expanded my social interactions. Involvement with gaming caused me to avoid the pitfalls of drugs and made me focus. This focus even aided in my realistic plans for future life and job preparation.
Growing up I was an only child going through a rough divorce, my family looked at me as an object more than their son.  Video games were my escape from that. I could bring the video game console from my mother’s house to my father’s house.  I looked forward to go home so I could play my game. It meant the world to come home and play uninterrupted.  My parents struggled making the money to feed me and afford rent, so we moved a lot.  I never had the time to find friends with moving so frequently, Video games helped me deal with the loneliness.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  When I was in fifth grade I moved to Kachina Village where my dad settled down and bought a house. In seventh grade my mom moved to Mountain Air, which is very close to Kachina. I was able to make friends and hang out, my new friends and i would do all sorts of stuff but we always would play video games.   When I was fourteen I decided to buy an Xbox 360. I earned every cent from raking yards in the summer and shoveling driveways in the winter. I made an Xbox live account and started playing online, at the time it was the coolest thing I had ever seen.  My friends started coming over to my house to play my new Xbox, I became popular. 
In high school the friends I made started smoking weed and drinking. I experimented the drugs but I got sick. Instead of hanging out with my friends, I started playing Xbox live and making friends online. Most of my old friends got busted and went to jail, some even accidentally burnt down a house.  I am glad I stayed at home and out of trouble, although I am sorry i missed out on the fun they had when they didn't caught and do drugs. At the time I didn't care I was not the one foolish enough to get arrested the only thing I was focused on was school and my video game skill. Also the new friends I made while gaming became like brothers not just friends. When gaming online you can join a gaming clan, this clan becomes your team.  One day my new found brother Jacob Dobbs and I created the [LOVE] clan, we started inviting all of our close gamer friends. In just the first month we had fifteen people join the clan. Those fifteen people will always be my best friends, because they are careful individuals who help me and like me for who i am, not for the amount for drugs I do. 
Today I am attending college for software and video game engineering and design. My goal is to make games for the next generation that have a life like mine and just need an escape, because an escape from reality is necessary to avoid depression! I struggle with ADHD and severe depression. I find it very hard to do everything for twelve credit hours of school, alongside working at a Habitat for Humanity Restore. Now I have no time to play video games and I don’t because it affects my grades, the only thing Video games are bad for is school!
Are video games a problem with America’s modern generation? Do they corrupt people into shooting innocent students or boosting America’s suicide rates? Or do they truly help people by giving them a simple hobby that gives them an escape from reality?  Why don’t critics blame the modern movies and TV shows; which contain adult situations and profanity that a small child can watch? Maybe the media is corrupt. Maybe they are brainwashing us to make us think how they want us to think. This concerns me.  Research on how advertising companies create ads it truly is scary. In result I stopped watching TV, and switched over to instant Netflix.
Video games help everyday people get through life. Video games help with eyesight, hand eye coordination, faster decision making. Video games help people deal with mental trauma. Kids and adults that have cancer and going through chemo therapy play video games and become less stressed.  It helped me with depression, stress, and influences that might have gotten arrested.
Video games offer way more than TV. When you watch TV your brain literally shuts off, and you become a channel surfing zombie. Video games allow you to control what's happening, this promotes positive brain function. Video games most of the time have a more complicated more complex plot and storyline than famous novels, Video games make you the protagonist, you feel there loss and emotion. Video games simply make you feel bad ass!

          Playing video games never made me a trained killer. Video games have shown me creative ways to think not to kill. A Video game is a lot like a book but more complex and difficult to understand and create. The player participates in the creation of the plot, the reader merely absorbs it. Video games are art just appreciate them. 

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